For many of our clients at Hensley Homes, a custom home is their “forever” home. Making it a place where they can comfortably live for many years to come makes good design sense. One way to plan ahead for limited mobility is to set aside space for a residential custom home elevator.

If you’re planning a custom home that might one day include an elevator, here are a few things to keep in mind:
Do It Now
It’s far easier to install a residential elevator when your home’s design has a designated void space already included. Our clients create this space by including closets stacked above each other on each floor. If they never install an elevator, they will still enjoy the extra storage space. And if they want a lift in the future, installation is much easier.
The “cab” of the elevator should be large enough for a single wheelchair at least. If you increase the size, another person will be able to stand in the cab with someone seated. Standard sizes for cable or hydraulic elevators range from 12 to 15 square feet.
Residential Home Elevator Varieties and Cost
As you refine your custom home’s design, we can guide you in choosing the right type of elevator for your home. Whether you choose a cable driven unit, a hydraulic elevator or a pneumatic model will depend in part on the space allowed and how many floors the elevator will need to travel. The equipment for an elevator typically ranges from $20,000 to $30,000.

Photo courtesy of Custom Home Elevator & Lift Co.
Styling Your Elevator
From trim to hardware to door style, your elevator can follow the style of your home. A quick search on Houzz or Pinterest will give you an idea of the range of looks available. Our interior designers are always available to help, as well.

Photo courtesy of Custom Home Elevator & Lift Co.
Staying Safe
Keep in mind that your home elevator will be subject to strict safety standards. It will need to meet code and pass inspections. The elevator equipment supplier will be able to spell out typical annual maintenance tasks.

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