Recently the Wall Street Journal writer Beth Decarbo, wrote about her experience selling her home in New York and building a custom home in South Carolina. Her custom home takeaways are insightful.

Our Hensley Homes team really enjoyed this article. There are so many interesting takeaways that she shares about things she wished she had known such as how long it takes, the expenses that aren’t included and sneaky ways to save money.

Also interesting on the online version there was a pulled quote from the custom builder’s perspective:

Building a Custom Home Takeaways

One item that really rings true is that the author didn’t have a good appreciation of the time that the process takes. Getting started for example can be delayed by permits and weather. We like to tell clients to plan for a year and enjoy the journey. It is a year packed with one of a kind experiences like picking your own style of fixtures or even door knobs.

Other custom home takeaways include that she really enjoyed going to the construction site regularly. We find that many homeowners enjoy this process and meeting the teams of pros. Other home owners only check in occasionally or build from another city. Whatever your style, we’ve got you covered with our quality construction checklists.

Most of all, in the end she mused, would she build a home again?

Her answer was yes, she would do it in a second.

Read the article on the Wall Street Journal online here.

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