Starting from scratch and building a new home instead of purchasing an existing home may seem overwhelming, but in the long run it turns out to be the lower-maintenance option. There are additional benefits to a new home as well like new appliances and features that won’t require maintenance or repairs for a while. Here are all the reasons a new home is a low-maintenance home. 

A Transparent Home History

Purchasing an existing home is always somewhat of a gamble, even if it is fairly new and seems in good shape. It can be difficult to find out the whole history of a home and how well it was built. You’ll also want to find out if and what renovations have been done to the home and how well the home has been maintained. 

On the other hand, when building a new home, you know exactly what materials are going into your home and who is building it. You won’t have to worry about unforeseen maintenance and repairs or if there are unpleasant surprises lurking behind the walls. 

Saving On Repairs

Repairs can easily become costly, but with a new home you won’t have to worry about budgeting for repairs for a while. Elements like your appliances, gutters and roof will be in top condition when you move in. In the small chance you end up needing a repair sooner than expected, it will likely be covered under your builder’s warranty. 

Clear Expectations for Maintenance

Because you know the builder when building a new home, you will be able to speak with them about maintenance expectations and ask any questions. They will be able to explain what tasks you should expect to complete monthly and annually and how to do them. Additionally, because your appliances will be new, you will know where and how to find their warranties as compared to appliances in an existing home where you will likely have to search for warranty dates and maintenance records.

Build a Custom Low-Maintenance Home with Hensley

Hensley Custom Building Group is a top custom home builder in Cincinnati, Ohio, with decades of experience. We know what you are looking for and we have the answers to your home maintenance questions. Get started on your dream home and contact us today.

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